Tomorrow is the BIG day - the first day of school for students!! Us teachers had 3 days last week of professional development (our favorite, right?) and getting our classes ready. Of course, when I went by today to triple check that everything was ready to go for tomorrow, there were several teachers there doing the same (and I'm sure even more yesterday).
So I took a few pictures of my classroom so I can remember what it looks like before the chaos starts, and also so it may inspire others in theres.
This is what students will see when they walk in. I hand students a playing card so that is where they find the table they will be sitting at. So, that is the purple tents on the desks. |
I've been writing a Quote of the Day for years now. This is the one that will greet students tomorrow. |
Looking at the front of the room. I have class norms posted to the left. |
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Thanks to Pintrest - I made this one to fit my needs. |
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Looking from my desk to the door. |
I've HATED for the past two years these exposed shelves - students would put stuff there and leave trash all the time. So I went to Wal-Mart and got some tension rods and then found curtains that (almost) fit my need (small modification needed so it would work perfectly, but no one has to know!). You can also see my storage containers for student supplies - not often needed but it's for rulers, markers, protractors, compasses, scissors, glue sticks. |
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This is on top of my counter. It's just a small file system for students whom are absent to pick up work and for students to grab the form to do quiz corrections and request a test retake. |
I tried really hard this summer to get organized. Last year was the first year I didn't switch schools, so this year I really settled in to try to make it nicer. With new course curriculum and new leadership roles, I wanted to be certain that everything was in a good location.
Oh, hope my "roommate" and there students don't mess too much up - I'm a bit OCD and not sure I'm going to be able to handle sharing. ;-)